Our creed of faith
We believe in the as the word of God himself .We believe in the trinity of God, the father Son and holy spirit,We believe the Holy ghost. We believe in water baptismal.We believe in the Lord Supper.We believe Sunday school is one greatest auxiliary of the church.We believe in the dedication of the tabernacle.We believe in the church as the body of Christ its meaning is derived from the Greek word, ecclesia and literal signific the body of Christ, is both visible and invisible.
We believe in repentance.We believe in the in the biblical tenet of fallen nature. We believe in regeneration.We believe in justification.We believe in Sanctification.We believe in the Baptist of the holy spirit.We believe in Divine healing.
Wbelieve in perfection.We believe in the power of prayer.
In pleaure ?
Lord byron , the famous English post lived for pleaseure
Happiness Where Is
There fanous confim what shalomon , the widest man in the world, said about man's futile search for happiness , all is vanity and grasping for the wind
In Money?
jay Gould was a multu-millionare railroad .
Our desire is not that others might be relieved while you are hard pressed but that there might be equality, At the present time your plenty will supply what they need, so that in turn their plenty will supply what you need then there will be equality as it is written. He who gathered much did not have too much, and he who gathered little did not have too little
What is Church? A church is a body of persons who have become children of God by receiving’s Jesus Christ, by believing in his name, and who have voluntarily joined themselves together to share the followship of his love and carry out his will in the world. Loving obedience to him as we live our lives together is a primary focus of a church essential to the life of their body in a church. They are the functions of worship proclamation and witness, nature and education and ministry, There are the natural essential, and characteristics action of a church, and there are vital to the life of a church.Justification is used for the final settlement between men, freeing God from all guilt. Job 11:2 13:18Freedom from Guilt: Justification frees believers from the burden of guilt and shame. Hebrews 10:22 encourages believers to “draw near to God with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having your hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience.” This freedom allows believers to live boldly and serve God without fear.
Jane Andrew
What is Education? Education is the act or process of developing and cultivating mentally or morally, it is preparing one for a calling by systematic instruction. It is teaching, training, disciplining, or forming. It is the disciples of mind of character. It is a science dealing with the principle and practices of teaching and learning. Some trace it to the Lating infinitives educate to bring up a child to train, to nourish.one can be considered educated only when measured by an accepted standard most standers are finites’
Rev. Jacques M
What is Ministry? Is the act of doing things needful or helpful. from a Christian perspective, ministry has a connotation of service rendered, labor or duty performed for benefit of another. In biblical times the service rendered were often associated with labor or duty done by a person of servant or even slave status. Jeus did many lowly acts of service, as though he were a servant, Christian ministry however, it not limited to that which is menial.""
Jack J.
Manager & Moderator
What is Church? A church is a body of persons who have become children of God by receiving’s Jesus Christ, by believing in his name, and who have voluntarily joined themselves together to share the followship of his love and carry out his will in the world. Loving obedience to him as we live our lives together is a primary focus of a church essential to the life of their body in a church. They are the functions of worship proclamation and witness, nature and education and ministry, There are the natural essential, and characteristics action of a church, and there are vital to the life of a church
1041 Edgewood Avenue South
Jacksonville , FL 32205
Praise & Worship
Take a look at our gallery of the conference in 2019 in Chicago.
Event Videos
BottleRock Napa Valley 2016
The Governors Ball Music Festival 2016
Weekend Warmup
Moountains are a location where god has met met with his people throughout the scripture. God gave mose the law atop mt.Sinai, and moses commanded that an altar be built atop Mt. Ebal when the isrealites entered the promised land